The Struggle of it
In the last 7 months I've struggled with fashion/clothing, not in the way you may think, but a struggle still the same. When I went live with my online boutique in June it was quiet and I was nervous. Tons of self doubt and imposter feelings. I'm not the most stylish girl nor did I keep up with the latest fashion trends that with not being a huge social media sharer quiet was the way I went. In my adult life I've always wanted to feel good in my clothes. I hate when pants are snug and make you feel heavier, they shouldn't do that. I hate when a shirt pulls around your upper back even when it is the proper size, it shouldn't do that. I want my clothes to fit me the same when I stand and sit (or at least allow for breathing), they should do that. I want my #ootd to make me feel confident even if it is just a pair of jeans, blouse with a side tuck or a pair joggers, a loose tee, and my new balance sneakers (thank you plantar fasciitis).
Now back to my last 7 months and the struggle I'm referring to. If you have read between the lines or have seen some of my posts you know I have two daughters one started high school 6 months ago the other was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 7 months ago. So to say I'm living in two different worlds is putting it mildly even with the simple (yet never simple) world of beauty/fashion. The high schooler God love her is a typical high school girl all the makeup and wearing only certain styles of clothes and shoes. Again, thank God she isn't to over the top with any of it. The younger one is dealing with beauty and fashion on the complete opposite side of this. Her fashion isn't far off from mine, tees and comfy shorts (did I alter my outfits because of that... maybe but not entirely?) She wears port shirts a lot each week to make appointments easier. If you are lucky enough to not know what a port shirt is, it's a shirt with zippers at the shoulder so you can have easy access to the port that she has to receive treatments. Why would I get dressed up in super cute clothes when she has to wear this? After, 7 months she finally lost all of her hair, how do I fuss over my grays growing in? You just don't! Period end of story. I use to schedule my hair appointments out for a year, every 6 weeks come hell or high water. I've had two maybe three appointments in the last 7 months. Feeling good in your skin, clothes, body, & life is drastically important for your mental health but the way we feel good can change and become completely different when life throws something at you.
So you are probably asking "why is she going on and on about this?", well its because my goals have shifted. In the one month I had from opening Unique Modish Market to our daughters diagnosis, I changed. Not a total change from my previous self and previous goals for the store (I'm still me). The things that are important for me to share, certainly has, and what I want both of my girls to see in me has! I need them and you all to hear this and that is that no matter where you are in life, no matter your current situation, if it is going easy or hard or sad or happy, you have to find clothes, beauty, & routines that make you feel good. Doing everything you can to stay close to who are is vital to your mental wellbeing. It doesn't matter if it trending, stylish, if this or that celebrity is wearing it/using it or if it is on fashion week!! If a certain top makes you feel happy wear it, if you love the color blue buy it, if you thrive in dark colors get them all, joggers great, skinny jean awesome, loose dresses go for it or side tucked loose tees. Who cares you have to allow yourself to BE YOU and find happiness in the beautiful person that you are and embrace the beautiful person you are becoming.
I've added a couple links to my go to favorites! I hope they make you feel as good as they make me feel!